About me

My name is Kaitlin, and I’m 17 years old. I live in New Jersey and am a junior at an all girl’s Catholic high school. I am a founder of an organization at my school that aims to help those suffering as a result of the genocide currently occurring in Darfur, and the children affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda. I believe helping people is the most important thing you can do. I work at an after care program regularly, and a handicap Pre-k in the Summer. I hope to become Special Education teacher after I finish my education.

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3 Responses to “About me”

  1. Corinne Says:

    Hello – I came across your website while searchig for “how to teach my 4 year old to stay on task”. While what you wrote wasn’t exactly for that aged audiece, I loved every piece of advice that you have given! I am 41 years old – more than twice your age – and you have a gift for writing that makes a person of any age learn so much! Keep blogging, my dear!

  2. kaitlinmarie Says:

    thank you so much for your comments! I tried to email you, but it came back to me saying it failed to send. I really appreciate your feedback!

  3. bibomedia Says:


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